1.- The interviewee Marcus Rauchfuß is an anthropologist and a minor scholar of the Cthulhu Mythos and H.P. Lovecraft. Besides, he is also heavily into Steampunk and Dieselpunk: he collaborates with The Gatehouse, promotes EuroSteam and many, many other initiatives… and, by the way, loves travelling. 2.- The interview Q.- Marcus, you live in Munich […]
Haute Couture & Steampunk Fashion
Steampunk no longer remains aloof from mainstream and this means that it is gradually receiving more and more attention on every front. This includes fashion. In the fashion channel of our You Tube account you can easily check that some recent Haute Couture collections could have been perfectly inspired by Steampunk. Just to put a […]
El Costurero Real: II Photo Marathon
We have been big die-hard fans of El Costurero Real (which means The Royal Tailor) since the very first tme we discovered it. As probably most of you know already, El Costurero Real is the entrepreneurial project of the charming María de los Ángeles Guisado Ruiz, better known as Alassie. She is a professional seamtress […]
Amoelbarroco, Decimononic and… fortune-telling?
Irene and I have known Viveka Goyanes for many years. She is an explorer of the intersections between fashion and art, and we spoke with her about her alter ego Amoelbarroco, Steampunk jewelry and many other topics in March (this interview is available here: ‘Steampunk jewelry tonight with… Viveka Goyanes’). As we share common interests, […]
Steampunk jewelry tonight with… Jenny Schwartz
1.- The interviewee Jenny Schwartz is an Australian author, happily abusing her history degree by writing steampunk. Her setting for “The Bustlepunk Chronicles” is also her hometown, Perth. There’s a lot of history in Perth and a tradition of tall tales. Steampunk fits right in! 2.- The interview 2.1.- About Australia, Steampunk literature… and Steampunk […]