We are glad to invite you to visit the blog of the Jewelry Master Alejandro Alloco, Irene’s coach. He has been so kind to feature some of our early designs in ‘Clases de Joyería’ (wich means ‘Jewelry lessons’). We feel very honored and would like to thank him for this gesture.
Sharing, sharing, sharing!
As you know, Decimononic has presence in many social media. We have active profiles in platforms like Delicious, Facebook, Flickr, Tumblr, Twitter, You Tube… where we do our best to engage with other users and contribute great value. Should this be surprising? We don’t think so, but we have been asked recently why we spend […]
Decimononic as individual trend
One year ago we didn’t know much about fine jewelry. However, 365 days later Irene is steadily improving her jeweller skills with the Argentinian master Alejandro Allocco, we’ve got a nice library of jewelry books and a wide range of suppliers. Sterling silver sheet from UK, ancient British coins from India, sterling silver bezels from […]
Decimononic: the origin
August 2010. After spending our holidays with my family in Vigo, Irene and I were driving back to Madrid. After years of sporadic hancrafted jewelry making, she was considering the possibility of paying more attention to this activity. However, she has always been eager to learn and innovate, and didn’t consider to do anything hackneyed. […]